Sprouting Up

Maggie has now been attending Little Sprouts in Brighton for 2 months – she is really enjoying it and lights ups every morning when we drop her off.  Despite dealing with a flurry of colds and ear infections, it’s been a great transition and she’s learning so much so quickly!  Lots of great life lessons too…

Like how to play the drums…


and sit like a big kid….


and proper table manners…


and all about her artistic side – she’s an impressionist…

3-6-sponge-painting- 1-30-winter-wonderland-painting-and-g

and how to interact with boys (I swear there’s girls in her class…)

unnamed 2-17-a-truck-that-plays-songs-and-mak 3-6-tummy-time-with-friends-

In a very quick 2 months Maggie has gone from an observant infant to a very vocal and active baby – can’t wait to see what comes next!

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