525,600 minutes

One year.  I can’t believe how much has happened and how quickly it has passed.  Maggie joined the family one year ago today, it’s hard to remember life before her, yet seems like she hasn’t been here that long.  Reflecting on the past year, we had a few bumps along the way, as all new parents do, but it has easily been one of the best years of my life!

In the past 365 days we’ve seen her go from a tiny, helpless little bundle to quite an independent, goofy little girl.  Every day it seems she’s learning new skills and developing her personality more and more.

Here’s a glance at Maggie’s life as she turns 1:

Favorite words of the moment:hi (said over and over until she gets a “hi!” back), bye-bye, ma-ma, da-da, and ba (ball).
Favorite activity: walking with assistance (usually meaning mom or dad hunched over with Maggie holding one finger in each hand…my back is not a fan)
Favorite foods: steak tips, sweet potatoes, anything off mom or dad’s plate, and all things sweet!
Favorite book: Little Einsteins First Words
Favorite songs: If you’re happy and you know it! and Itsy Bitsy Spider
Favorite playmate: Phelan
Teeth: 5 (3 up top, 2 on the bottom)
Hair: slooooooowly coming in
Sleeps: 7pm-6:30am most nights – still hasn’t figured out weekends are for sleeping in

Finally – we had a birthday bash at Grandma’s house in Saugus – here are some highlights:

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